
The Non-Technical Founder’s Ultimate Guide to Code Handoff: Securing Your Mobile App’s Future

As the founder of Vermillion Sky, I’ve been deeply involved in numerous code handoff processes over the years. My experience spans from guiding our graduates as they build internal teams to assisting companies transitioning away from their existing development setups into our environment. These experiences have provided me with valuable insights into the challenges and best practices of code handoffs, particularly for non-technical founders.

Throughout my career, I’ve witnessed both smooth transitions and problematic handovers. This range of outcomes has taught me that while code handoffs can be complex, they don’t have to be overwhelming. The key lies in understanding the process and being prepared for potential pitfalls.

In this guide, I’m sharing the knowledge I’ve accumulated to help you navigate your own code handoff successfully. My goal is to provide you with practical, actionable advice based on real-world scenarios. Whether you’re a startup founder receiving your first completed project or an established company changing development partners, this information will be crucial in ensuring a smooth transition.

By following the steps and considerations outlined in this article, you’ll be better equipped to manage your code handoff, maintain control of your digital assets, and set a strong foundation for your app’s future development. Let’s dive into the essential aspects of a successful code handoff for your mobile app project.

Understanding the Components of Your App

Before diving into the handoff process, it’s crucial to have a clear picture of what makes up your mobile app. In my experience, many non-technical founders underestimate the complexity of their app’s architecture. Let’s break it down:

  1. Mobile App Frontend This is the part of your app that users interact with directly. It typically consists of:
    • iOS app code (written in Swift or Objective-C)
    • Android app code (usually in Java or Kotlin)
    • UI/UX assets (images, icons, fonts)
  2. Backend Server The backend is the engine that powers your app. It handles data processing, business logic, and communication between your app and database. Key components include:
    • Server-side code (could be in languages like Node.js, Python, Ruby, etc.)
    • API endpoints that your mobile app communicates with
    • Server configuration files
  3. Database This is where your app’s data is stored and retrieved. Common types include:
    • Relational databases (like MySQL or PostgreSQL)
    • NoSQL databases (such as MongoDB or Firebase)
  4. Third-party Services and APIs Most modern apps rely on external services for various functionalities:
    • Authentication services (like Auth0 or Firebase Authentication)
    • Payment gateways (such as Stripe or PayPal)
    • Cloud storage solutions (e.g., Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage)
    • Analytics tools (like Google Analytics or Mixpanel)
  5. DevOps and Infrastructure These are the systems and processes that keep your app running smoothly:
    • Cloud hosting (AWS, Google Cloud, Azure)
    • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines
    • Monitoring and logging tools

Understanding these components is crucial because during the handoff, you’ll need to ensure you receive access and documentation for each of them. In my time at Vermillion Sky, I’ve seen handoffs go sideways simply because a founder wasn’t aware of all the pieces involved in their app.

Remember, your app is more than just what users see on their phones. It’s a complex ecosystem of interacting parts, and you need to have control over all of them to truly own your product. In the next sections, we’ll dive into how to secure each of these components during the handoff process.

Preparing for the Code Handoff

Preparation is key to a smooth code handoff. Based on numerous transitions I’ve overseen, here’s how to set yourself up for success:

Set Clear Expectations

Communication is crucial. Be explicit with your developer or agency about what you expect to receive. This includes all source code, access to relevant accounts, complete documentation, and knowledge transfer sessions. Clarity at this stage prevents misunderstandings that could lead to incomplete handoffs.

Schedule the Process

A code handoff isn’t a one-time event, but a process that can span days or weeks. Plan for an initial handoff meeting, code walk-through sessions, Q&A periods, and a final verification meeting. This phased approach ensures thorough knowledge transfer and gives you time to address any issues that arise.

Arrange for Technical Support

If you’re not technically inclined, consider bringing in a trusted tech advisor for this process. They can help ensure you’re receiving everything you need and that it’s all in working order. This extra set of eyes can be invaluable in catching details you might otherwise miss.

Plan for Knowledge Transfer

While code is crucial, the context and reasoning behind development decisions are equally important. Schedule sessions with key developers to transfer this knowledge. Understanding the ‘why’ behind certain choices will be invaluable as you move forward with your project.

Anticipate Potential Challenges

Common issues in handoffs include missing credentials for critical services, incomplete or outdated documentation, and dependencies on the original development team’s internal tools. By anticipating these potential roadblocks, you can address them proactively with your development partner.

Consider Legal Aspects

Ensure your contract clearly states that all code and associated intellectual property will be transferred to you. If needed, consult with a lawyer specializing in tech IP. This step safeguards your ownership of the product you’ve invested in.

By thoroughly preparing for the handoff, you set the stage for a successful transition. It’s far easier to address issues during this phase than to discover them weeks or months down the line when you’re trying to onboard a new development team or make crucial updates to your app.

In the next section, we’ll dive into the specifics of securing access to your code repositories, often the first tangible step in the handoff process.

Securing Access to Code Repositories

The first crucial step in the code handoff process is securing access to your code repositories. If you’re new to this, don’t worry – it’s simpler than it sounds.

Create a GitHub Account If you don’t already have one, start by creating a free GitHub account. GitHub is the industry standard for code hosting and version control. Don’t let the technical terms intimidate you – for now, think of GitHub as a secure, online folder system for your app’s code. Just as you’d store important documents in a safe place, GitHub is where your valuable code lives.

Understanding Version Control Systems Most modern software projects use version control systems, with Git being the most common. If the term “Git” sounds alien to you, here’s a simple analogy: imagine a super-powered “Track Changes” feature (like in Microsoft Word), but for your entire project. It keeps a record of who changed what, when, and why. For now, you don’t need to understand the intricacies of Git – your developers will handle that. Your role is to ensure you have ownership and access to these records.

Steps to Secure Repository Access:

  1. Identify All Repositories: Ask your development team for a complete list of repositories. Think of these as separate folders for different parts of your project, such as one for your iOS app, another for Android, and perhaps one for your backend server code.
  2. Ensure You’re the Owner: Having access isn’t enough; you need to be the owner of these repositories. Ownership gives you full control over the project and who can access it.
  3. Transfer Ownership If the repositories are currently owned by the development agency or individual developers, they need to transfer ownership to your account. This process varies slightly depending on the platform (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket), but all have straightforward methods for transferring project ownership.
  4. Verify Access: After the transfer, log into each repository and ensure you can view all branches and commit history. Confirm that you have administrative rights. This step is crucial to ensure the transfer was successful and complete.
  5. Secure Your Account: Enable two-factor authentication on your account. When dealing with valuable intellectual property, this extra layer of security is not just recommended – it’s essential.
  6. Review Collaborators: Check the list of collaborators on each repository. Remove access for anyone who no longer needs it, such as developers who have completed their work on the project.
  7. Backup Your Code: While cloud-based repositories are generally reliable, it’s good practice to keep a local backup of your code. Request a ZIP file of the latest code version from your development team as an additional safeguard.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid:

  1. Incomplete repository transfers: Ensure you receive ALL repositories, not just the main ones.
  2. Overlooking private repositories: Sometimes, crucial components are in private repos that might be easily forgotten.
  3. Ignoring branching strategies: Understand which branch (e.g., ‘main’ or ‘develop’) contains the latest stable version of your code.

Remember, your code repositories are the heart of your digital product. Securing proper access and ownership is not just a technical detail—it’s about maintaining control over your intellectual property and ensuring you can continue development without hindrance.

Acquiring the Mobile App Code

Now that you have access to your repositories, let’s focus on ensuring you have all the necessary mobile app code. This is crucial, as it’s the heart of what your users interact with.

Understanding Mobile App Code Structure Mobile apps typically consist of two main parts:

  1. The client-side code that runs on the user’s device
  2. Any server-side code that supports the app’s functionality

For client-side code, you’ll likely have separate codebases for iOS and Android if your app supports both platforms. Don’t be alarmed if you see unfamiliar file types or structures – that’s normal.

Steps to Acquire and Verify Mobile App Code:

  1. Confirm Code Completeness: Ensure you have received all the code for each platform your app supports. This typically includes:
    • For iOS: Swift or Objective-C files
    • For Android: Java or Kotlin files
    • Any shared code libraries or frameworks
  2. Check for Essential Files: Look for critical files like the project configuration files (e.g., .xcodeproj for iOS, .gradle for Android). These files are crucial for setting up the development environment.
  3. Verify Asset Inclusion: Make sure all app assets are included. This means images, icons, fonts, and any other visual elements used in your app.
  4. Confirm Third-Party Dependencies: Your app likely uses external libraries or SDKs. Ensure you have a list of these dependencies and instructions on how to install them.
  5. Obtain Build Instructions: Request clear, step-by-step instructions on how to build and run the app on a development machine. This is crucial for future development or if you need to bring on new developers.
  6. Secure Signing Certificates and Provisioning Profiles: For iOS, ensure you have the necessary certificates and provisioning profiles. For Android, make sure you have the keystore file used to sign the app. These are critical for publishing updates to the app stores.
  7. App Store / Play Store Access Confirm you have full access to your app’s listing on the App Store and/or Google Play Store. This includes the ability to push updates and view analytics.
  8. Test Builds: Request a fresh build of the app from the source code provided. This verifies that you can indeed recreate the app from the code you’ve received.

Common Pitfalls to Watch For:

  • Missing or outdated documentation
  • Hardcoded API keys or secrets in the source code (these should be stored securely, not in the code itself)
  • Incomplete or outdated build instructions
  • Dependency on specific versions of development tools

Remember, while you don’t need to understand every line of code, you should be able to provide this complete package to any competent mobile developer and have them set up and run your app without major hurdles.

In the next section, we’ll cover acquiring and understanding your backend server code, which is equally important for your app’s functionality.

Obtaining Backend Server Code and Configuration

The backend server is the engine that powers your app’s functionality. It’s crucial to ensure you have full access and understanding of this component. Here’s what you need to know:

Understanding Backend Architecture Your app’s backend typically consists of:

  1. Server-side code (e.g., Node.js, Python, Ruby, Java)
  2. API endpoints that your mobile app communicates with
  3. Database interactions
  4. Third-party service integrations

Steps to Secure Your Backend:

  1. Acquire Full Source Code: Ensure you receive all server-side code. This should include:
    • Main application code
    • Any scripts or utilities
    • Configuration files (often ending in .yml, .json, or .env)
  2. Document API Endpoints: Obtain comprehensive documentation of all API endpoints. This should include:
    • Endpoint URLs
    • Expected request formats
    • Response structures
    • Authentication requirements
  3. Secure Environment Variables: Many backends use environment variables to store sensitive information like API keys and database credentials. Ensure you have:
    • A list of all required environment variables
    • Secure copies of the values for these variables
    • Instructions on how to set these in different environments (development, staging, production)
  4. Obtain Database Schema and Migration Scripts: Request:
    • Full database schema
    • Any database migration scripts
    • Instructions on how to set up a fresh database
  5. Document Third-Party Services: Get a list of all external services your backend integrates with, including:
    • Service names and purposes
    • Account credentials or API keys
    • Documentation on how these services are used in your app
  6. Acquire Deployment Instructions Obtain detailed instructions on how to deploy your backend, including:
    • Server requirements (e.g., specific versions of Node.js, Python)
    • Step-by-step deployment process
    • Any necessary build scripts
  7. Understand Scaling and Infrastructure Get information on how your backend is designed to scale, including:
    • Load balancing configurations
    • Caching mechanisms
    • Any containerization (e.g., Docker) setups
  8. Secure Monitoring and Logging Ensure you have access to and understand:
    • Any monitoring tools in use (e.g., New Relic, Datadog)
    • Logging systems and how to access logs
    • Alert configurations for critical issues

Common Pitfalls to Avoid:

  • Incomplete API documentation
  • Missing or outdated deployment scripts
  • Lack of information on database backups and recovery procedures
  • Overlooking background jobs or scheduled tasks

Remember, while the backend might seem less tangible than the mobile app code, it’s equally critical to your app’s functionality. Ensuring you have all these elements will give you full control over your product and make future development or transitions much smoother.

Next, we’ll cover the crucial aspect of database handoff, which is integral to your app’s data management.

Database Handoff

Think of your app’s ecosystem as a restaurant. The mobile app is the dining room where customers (users) interact. The backend server is the kitchen, processing orders and coordinating activities. The database? That’s your pantry and refrigerator – it’s where all the ingredients (data) are stored, ready to be used.

How They Work Together:

  1. When a user interacts with your mobile app (places an order in our restaurant), the app sends a request to the backend server.
  2. The backend server (our kitchen) processes this request. It might need to fetch data from the database (grab ingredients from the pantry) or store new information.
  3. The database stores and retrieves this data as needed, keeping it organized and accessible.
  4. The backend then sends the processed information back to the mobile app, which displays it to the user (like serving a prepared dish).

Just as a restaurant can’t function without its pantry, your app can’t operate without its database. It’s where user profiles, content, transactions, and all other crucial data live.

Understanding Your Database First, identify what type of database your app uses. Common types include:

  • Relational databases (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL)
  • NoSQL databases (e.g., MongoDB, Cassandra)
  • Cloud-based database services (e.g., Firebase Realtime Database, Amazon DynamoDB)

Each type has its own considerations for handoff.

Key Steps in Database Handoff:

  1. Obtain Database Schema: Request a complete database schema. This is like a blueprint of your data structure, showing:
    • Tables or collections
    • Fields and their data types
    • Relationships between different data entities
  2. Secure a Database Dump: Get a full export of your database. This should be:
    • Recent (ideally no more than a day old)
    • In a format that can be easily imported (e.g., SQL dump for relational databases)
  3. Document Database Credentials: Ensure you have all necessary credentials, including:
    • Database connection strings
    • Admin usernames and passwords
    • Read-only access credentials for analytics purposes
  4. Understand Backup Procedures: Obtain documentation on:
    • How backups are currently performed
    • Where backups are stored
    • How to restore from a backup
  5. Review Data Retention Policies Understand any existing data retention policies, especially if you’re handling user data. This is crucial for compliance with regulations like GDPR.
  6. Migrate to Your Own Accounts If your database is hosted on a cloud service:
    • Ensure it’s transferred to an account you control
    • Update any necessary billing information
  7. Document Scaling Information Understand how your database is set up to handle growth:
    • Current resource allocation
    • Scaling procedures
    • Performance optimization techniques in use
  8. Secure Monitoring and Maintenance Scripts: Obtain any scripts used for:
    • Regular database maintenance
    • Performance monitoring
    • Automated tasks or data processing

Common Pitfalls to Watch For:

  • Incomplete or outdated schema documentation
  • Missing indexes crucial for performance
  • Lack of understanding about data volumes and growth patterns
  • Overlooking data privacy and security measures

Remember, your database is not just a technical asset—it’s a core part of your business value. Ensuring you have full access, understanding, and control over your data is crucial for the long-term success and scalability of your app.

Again understand that you don’t need to be an expert at any of this, your development team will be happy to provide these to you.

In the next section, we’ll cover the handoff of third-party services and APIs, which are often integral to modern app functionality.

Third-party Services and APIs

Third-party services and APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are external tools and functionalities that developers integrate into apps. These pre-built solutions offer specific features without the need to create them from scratch, saving time and resources.

What are Third-party Services? Third-party services are ready-made solutions providing specific functionalities. For example, Stripe or PayPal for payment processing. These services typically offer:

  • Specific tools and features
  • Integration documentation
  • Ongoing maintenance and updates
  • Scalability for growing user bases

What are APIs? APIs are sets of protocols and tools enabling different software applications to communicate. They define the methods of interaction between various software components. For instance, the Google Maps API allows apps to fetch and display map data.

Benefits of Third-party Services and APIs:

  1. Efficiency in implementing complex features
  2. Access to specialized solutions
  3. Cost-effectiveness compared to in-house development
  4. Reduced maintenance burden
  5. Built-in scalability for growing applications

Common Categories of Third-party Services and APIs:

  1. Authentication (e.g., Auth0, Firebase Auth)
  2. Payment processing (e.g., Stripe, PayPal)
  3. Push notifications (e.g., OneSignal, Firebase Cloud Messaging)
  4. Analytics (e.g., Google Analytics, Mixpanel)
  5. Cloud storage (e.g., Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage)
  6. Email services (e.g., SendGrid, Mailgun)
  7. Mapping and location services (e.g., Google Maps API, Mapbox)
  8. Social media integration (e.g., Facebook API, Twitter API)
  9. Chat and messaging (e.g., Twilio, SendBird)
  10. Machine Learning and AI services (e.g., IBM Watson, Google Cloud AI)

Key Steps in Third-party Service Handoff:

  1. Inventory of Services: Create a comprehensive list of all third-party services your app uses. For each service, note:
    • The service name and purpose
    • Which features of your app rely on this service
    • Current pricing plan and usage levels
  2. Account Ownership Transfer: Ensure all service accounts are transferred to your ownership. This might involve:
    • Changing the primary email address
    • Updating billing information
    • Assigning yourself admin privileges
  3. API Keys and Credentials: Secure all API keys, tokens, and other credentials. Remember, these are like the keys to your kingdom – guard them carefully. Use a tool like 1Password to secure all your password. Make sure you have:
    • All necessary API keys
    • Understanding of which key is used where
    • Knowledge of how to rotate or regenerate keys if needed
  4. Documentation: Obtain documentation for each service, including:
    • Integration guides
    • API references
    • Best practices for usage
  5. Usage Limits and Scaling: Understand the current usage levels and limits for each service:
    • Are you close to hitting any caps?
    • What’s the process for upgrading if needed?
    • Are there any features you’re paying for but not using?
  6. Compliance and Data Handling: For services handling user data, ensure you understand:
    • Data storage locations
    • Privacy policy implications
    • Compliance with regulations like GDPR or CCPA
  7. Alternatives and Lock-in: For critical services, it’s worth understanding:
    • How difficult would it be to switch to a competitor?
    • Are there open-source alternatives?

Common Pitfalls to Avoid:

  • Overlooking less obvious integrations (e.g., crash reporting tools, A/B testing services)
  • Failing to transfer billing to your own accounts
  • Not understanding rate limits or sudden scaling needs
  • Keeping outdated or unused integrations active

Remember, while third-party services can significantly enhance your app’s capabilities, they also introduce dependencies. Understanding and managing these services is crucial for maintaining control over your app’s functionality and user experience.

In the next section, we’ll discuss deployment and hosting information, which is essentially about where and how your app’s components are served to users.

Deployment and Hosting Information

As a founder, you need a basic understanding of how your app is made available to users. Here are the essential aspects you should be aware of:

Cloud Provider Your app likely uses a cloud provider like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure. This is essentially where your app “lives” on the internet.

  • Know which provider you’re using
  • Ensure you have the login credentials for this account
  • Understand the monthly cost

Domain and Website: This is your app’s address on the internet.

  • Know where your domain (like is registered
  • Have access to this account
  • Know when it needs to be renewed

App Stores: If you have a mobile app, it’s distributed through app stores.

  • Ensure you have access to your Apple Developer and/or Google Play accounts
  • Know the login credentials
  • Understand the annual fees for these accounts

Deployment Process: This is how updates to your app are made live.

  • Know who has the ability to update your app
  • Understand the basic process: Is it automatic when changes are made, or does someone need to manually “push a button”?

Monitoring: This involves keeping an eye on whether your app is working correctly.

  • Know what tools are used to monitor your app’s performance
  • Ensure you have access to these tools
  • Understand who gets alerted if there’s a problem

Backup: This is about keeping your data safe.

  • Confirm that regular backups are happening
  • Know where these backups are stored
  • Understand how to restore from a backup if needed

Remember, you don’t need to manage these aspects yourself, but you should have access to everything and know who to call if there’s an issue. It’s about maintaining control and ensuring continuity for your business.

Documentation and Knowledge Transfer

Over the years, I’ve seen countless projects stumble due to poor documentation and knowledge transfer. Trust me, you don’t want to be in a situation where your app is a mystery box. Here’s what I’ve found to be crucial:


Good documentation is your app’s roadmap. Here’s what I always insist on:

  1. Technical Overview I ask for a clear, high-level description of the app’s architecture. It doesn’t need to be overly technical, but it should give you a bird’s-eye view.
  2. Setup Instructions I’ve been burned before by missing this. Get step-by-step instructions on setting up the development environment. It’ll save you headaches later.
  3. API Documentation If your app has an API, make sure it’s well-documented. Future you (or future developers) will thank you.
  4. Database Schema I always ask for an overview of how the app’s data is structured. It’s amazing how often this gets overlooked.
  5. Third-Party Services I insist on a list of all external services, what they do, and how they’re integrated. You’d be surprised how many founders don’t know what services their app relies on.
  6. Deployment Process Get clear instructions on how to update and publish new versions. I’ve seen projects grind to a halt because this wasn’t documented.
  7. Troubleshooting Guide A list of common issues and their solutions has saved me countless hours of frustration.

Knowledge Transfer

Documentation is great, but there’s no substitute for face-to-face (or screen-to-screen) knowledge transfer:

  1. Code Walkthrough I always schedule sessions where developers explain key parts of the codebase. It’s illuminating.
  2. Q&A Sessions I set aside time for asking questions. No question is too basic or too complex.
  3. Video Recordings I’ve found recording key explanations to be incredibly valuable for future reference.
  4. Hands-On Training If possible, I have the development team guide me through basic maintenance tasks. It’s empowering.
  5. Future Roadmap I always discuss planned features and known issues. It helps set expectations and priorities.
  6. Contact Information I keep a list of key personnel involved in the app’s development, including their areas of expertise. You never know when you’ll need to reach out.

Remember, the goal isn’t to turn you into a developer overnight. It’s about ensuring you’re never completely in the dark about your own product. I’ve seen too many founders lose control of their apps because they skipped this step. Don’t let that be you.

Next Steps After the Handoff

Once you’ve completed the handoff, there are several crucial steps I always recommend:

  1. Secure Everything: Change all passwords and access credentials immediately. This includes repository access, server logins, database passwords, and third-party service accounts. It’s basic security hygiene, but crucial.
  2. Backup: Create a complete backup of everything you’ve received. This includes code, documentation, and database dumps. Store these backups securely, preferably in more than one location.
  3. Verify Access: Test all the accesses you’ve been given. Log into every account, try to deploy a small update, and ensure you can access all parts of your infrastructure.
  4. Run the App: Build and run the app from the source code you’ve received. This verifies that you have a complete, working copy of your software.
  5. Plan a Small Update: Schedule a minor update to your app. This could be as simple as changing some text or a small visual element. The goal is to go through the entire process of making a change, from development to deployment.
  6. Review Ongoing Costs: Now that you have full visibility, review all the ongoing costs associated with your app. This includes hosting, third-party services, and any other subscriptions.
  7. Consider a Code Audit: If budget allows, consider hiring an independent developer or firm to audit the code. They can provide insights into code quality, security, and scalability.
  8. Plan for the Future: Start thinking about your app’s future. Do you need to hire a developer? Are there features you want to add? Having gone through the handoff, you’re now in a position to make informed decisions.
  9. Document Your Experience: Take some time to document your experience with the handoff. Note what went well and what could have been improved. This will be invaluable if you ever need to go through this process again.

Remember, the handoff isn’t the end – it’s the beginning of your journey as the true owner of your app. Take your time, be thorough, and don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it.

The Ultimate Code Handoff Checklist

  1. Repository Access
    • Full access to all code repositories
    • Ownership transferred to your account
    • All branches and commit history visible
    • Two-factor authentication enabled on your account
  2. Mobile App Code
    • Complete iOS app code (if applicable)
    • Complete Android app code (if applicable)
    • All necessary assets (images, fonts, etc.)
    • Build and run instructions
  3. Backend Server
    • Full server-side code
    • API documentation
    • Server configuration files
    • Environment variables list (without sensitive values)
  4. Database
    • Database schema
    • Recent database dump/export
    • Database credentials
    • Backup and restore procedures
  5. Third-Party Services and APIs
    • List of all integrated services
    • Account ownership transferred
    • API keys and credentials (or process to obtain new ones)
    • Usage documentation for each service
  6. Deployment and Hosting
    • Cloud provider account access
    • Deployment process documentation
    • Domain registrar account access
    • SSL certificate information
  7. Documentation
    • Technical overview of the entire system
    • Setup instructions for development environment
    • API documentation (if applicable)
    • Database schema documentation
    • Third-party services integration guide
    • Troubleshooting guide
  8. Knowledge Transfer
    • Code walkthrough sessions completed
    • Q&A sessions held
    • Video recordings of key explanations (if applicable)
    • Future development roadmap discussed
  9. App Store / Play Store
    • Full access to app store accounts
    • Ability to push updates
    • Analytics access
  10. Security
    • List of all access points secured (databases, servers, services)
    • Process for rotating API keys and passwords
    • Security best practices document
  11. Maintenance and Monitoring
    • Access to monitoring tools
    • Alert system setup
    • Regular maintenance tasks documented
  12. Legal
    • All necessary licenses transferred
    • Intellectual property rights confirmed
  13. Post-Handoff
    • Test builds from received code
    • Verify all accesses and permissions
    • Plan first independent update or maintenance task

Thanks for Reading!

I hope this checklist helps you navigate the complex process of code handoff. Remember, a thorough handoff is crucial for maintaining control of your product and setting the stage for future growth.

Need Help with Your Code Handoff?

At Vermillion Sky, we specialize in smooth code transitions. Whether you’re taking over a project or preparing to hand one off, our team can guide you through every step of the process. We ensure you have everything you need to maintain and grow your digital product.

Don’t risk losing control of your app. Let’s make your code handoff a success together.

Contact us today to learn how we can assist with your code handoff process.

Contact Us

Ken Vermeille
Ken Vermeille
The founder and CEO of Vermillion Sky. Ken Vermeille has 15 years of experience in product design and development. Creating his first website at 12 years old, he continues to build his talents by leveraging his ability to learn and implement any technology. In the past he's worked on mobile and web apps, video games, augmented reality, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, business model generation, and anything to keep Vermillion Sky at the cutting edge of product design and development.

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